Customer Service Training

Enhance your expertise with the best Customer Support Service Course in Dubai, UAE. Enroll now for comprehensive training.

Unlock Your Potential: Elevate Your Customer Service Skills Today!

Customer service stands as one of the most prominent and rewarding professions globally, essential for all businesses. Effective customer service often defines an organization's identity and is pivotal in determining its success. Our comprehensive and advanced customer service training program equips participants with essential skills and competencies to excel as high-performing customer service professionals.


  • Understand and explain the role and importance of effective customer service for Businesses and organizations from a School perspective.  
  • Understand and acquire a set of interpersonal skills including positive attitude, assertiveness, self-motivation, self-confidence etc, so as to deliver excellence in customer service delivery
  • Learn and acquire effective communication skills including listening skills so as to deliver excellence in customer service delivery.
  • Learn and acquire strategies and techniques to deal with difficult customers and situations and also manage stressful situations.
  • Understand the concept of customer experience, adding value, and exceeding customer expectations.

Topics Covered

  • Define customer service and the concept of customer service standards and excellence from a School perspective.
  • Concept of internal and external customers, Role and responsibility of customer service professionals Concept of customer service orientation.
  • Benefits of providing excellent customer service, concepts of returning customers and referrals.
  • Defining customer loyalty and retention, Concept of customer retention rate CRR and its impact on overall business.
  • Essential interpersonal skills for customer service professionals- positive attitude, self-confidence and motivation, assertiveness, enthusiasm, empathy, etc.
  • Emotional intelligence skills for Customer service professionals
  • Communication skills – the role of voice tone, clarity and pace, Importance of asking the right questions, and the concept of anticipation and being non-judgmental.
  • Dealing with difficult people and situations, Managing stress and conflicts, Understanding defined escalation points  
  • Usage of words and phrases that generate calmness and trust and avoid words and phrases that creates negativity. Concept of What to say Vs How to say
  • Effective body language, Proxemics and listening skills. Telephone skills and etiquette.
  • The 5 essential factors of customer loyalty- Convenience, CS expectation, CS experience, Personal touch and Rewards
  • Customer Service Recovery- CSR and CSR Paradox
  • Role and requirement of cultural awareness, and intelligence in Customer Service –with special reference to Dubai
  • Sensitivity, confidentiality and ethical conduct at work
  • Role and impact of social media in Customer Service

Who is it for:

  • All current Customer service professionals who wish to improve and enhance their customer service skills and advance their careers.
  • All aspiring candidates who wish to join customer service sector as their chosen profession

Training methodology

Our training program is characterized by a high degree of interactivity. It employs a multifaceted approach, encompassing lectures, Prezi presentations, practical illustrations, video demonstrations, group discussions, mock sessions, role-playing exercises, collaborative group tasks, as well as written assignments. Each of these instructional components is followed by thorough discussion and debriefing sessions, as needed.

Participants will receive comprehensive course materials, including study resources, handouts, and activity sheets, to facilitate their learning journey.

We invite you to take the next step in your professional development journey by enrolling in our course today at IIPD Global. Equip yourself with the essential tools and insights to excel in the realm of customer service, and seize the opportunity to become a high-performing customer service professional.

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